The Elderly

As CAU, We are committed to helping the vulnerable elderly living in very poor conditions in our communities. We promote sustainable livelihood of the elderly in our communities by providing them social psychological support and offering them basic necessities of life including but not limited to food, shelter, toiletries, healthy services, physical exercises and medical care.

As life expectancy continues to rise, many of us can look forward to living well into our 70s and beyond, but that can also lead to new stresses, especially for those who don’t have loved ones around to help when everyday tasks become difficult. For example, what happens to the senior citizens who don’t have children to take care of them? Or perhaps their spouse who carried out most of the day-to-day chores suddenly passes away? That’s why it’s important for community members not to forget the senior citizens who might need a little help, kindness, compassion and emotional support.

You may have already thought about wanting to lend a hand to the aging population, but perhaps you don’t know where to start. You might also be familiar with the hard work caregivers do, and feel like you’re not exactly cut out for something like that.

Here’s some good news though: despite what you might   think, you do have what it takes to help. And you don’t have to be a full-time caregiver in order to make a real change in a senior’s life.

  • Volunteer with CAU
  • Spend time with elders in homes or visit them in hospitals and prisons
  • Support elders with basic needs of life like food, clothing, beddings and medical care


In Africa, the elderly play a big role in family formation which is the basic unit of society. Indeed millions of families would not survive without the contribution of older people.  They care for orphaned grandchildren and provide much-needed household income. However, older people are often discriminated against within families and services, and this discrimination is often underpinned by the legal systems and government policies of individual countries. Older people’s rights are set out in a range of international agreements, but are often ignored.

CAU has noted with concern challenges facing the elderly such as land grabbing, forced homelessness, lack of medical care, ill attitude disrespect of death wills and many more. We advocate for the rights of the elderly through;

  • supporting and enabling the older people express their views and concerns
  • Access information and services.
  • Protection from Violence and abuse
  • Identity and access to entitlements Health, Social security, Property and inheritance

We also support Orphaned Children in our communities (especially those living with the elderly) by providing them with basic needs they need for a good life. We find joy in comforting the orphans and we do our best to ensure that they are supported like any other child.

Kapitolina Mukalugomwa

95 yrs

She stays in Kammengo Ggoli, Mpigi district. She gave birth to 6 children 4 girls and 2 boys. Of these 5 are dead. She has 10 orphans who stay with her, 5 in school, 5 out of school. As CAU we provide her with some food. Unfortunately last month she was bitten by a stray dog as her grandchildren had gone to the well to fetch water. She badly needs assistance to be able to access medical care.

Abdu Maleku

70 yrs

He stays in Kamengo, Mpigi district. Had elementary education up to primary seven. He gave birth to 1 child (boy) who also died. He stays alone and has no grandchildren. CAU routinely visits him to check on him and give him moral support and also provides him with food and other household necessities.


88 yrs

She stays in Bulembo-Kammengo Mpigi district. She had elementary education up to primary 6. She gave birth to 2 children and only 1 is still surviving. She has 4 orphans. She stays in a dilapidated house which is on the brink of falling. CAU provides her with food and household essentials.


61 yrs

She stays in Bwamulamira-Kammengo, Mpigi district. She had elementary education up to primary P7. She has 8 children and of these 2 are dead. She takes care of 3 orphans. She needs help in terms of food and shelter. As CAU we are provide her with food and other household utilities.


90 yrs

He stays in Bubule-Kyanja Mpigi district. He had elementary education up to primary 6. He has 5 children of which 2 are still alive. He stays with his elderly sister and 3 grandchildren. They both need help especially in terms of food. CAU has been able to provide them with food and some household essentials.