
We have managed to advocate for better infrastructure and sanitation facilities in some of our community schools.

Sanitation is important for all, helping to maintain health and increase life-spans. It is especially important for children. According to the latest information from UNICEF Millions of children go to schools with no drinking water, no toilets and no soap for hand-washing, making learning difficult and with devastating consequences for their future.

Nearly half of all schools do not have basic hygiene services, with1 in 3 lacking basic sanitation and water. Children who cannot wash their hands face a greater risk of infection and diarrhea disease than those who can, putting them at risk of missing more school days

Around the world, over 800 children under age five die every day from preventable diarrhea-related diseases caused by lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene. The situation is not different in Africa, for instance  in Uganda, poor sanitation and hygiene, as well as unequal access to safe drinking water, make thousands of children very sick and at risk of death. Diarrhoea alone, one of three major childhood killers in Uganda, kills an estimated 33 children every day. 

In many of our schools, it is a common case to find pupils, teachers and nearby community members sharing one traditional long drop toilet, no safe drinking water, no hand washing facilities, no garbage collection cans and pits. According to World Bank, poor sanitation and Hygiene contribute to Uganda’s high levels of stunting, which in turn affects children’s cognitive development and performance at school. It in turn leads to high absenteeism and dropouts, especially for girls.

We help;

  • Construct toilets in schools
  • Washrooms especially for girls
  • Provide water and soap
  • Provide waste cans and construct garbage pits
  • Hand washing facilities especially during this Covid 19 pandemic